Im GovCast spricht Faruk Tuncer, Gründer und CEO des GovTechs Polyteia, mit spannenden Persönlichkeiten darüber, wie und warum sie Staat und öffentliche Verwaltung modernisieren. Dieser Podcast zeigt die Menschen hinter den Rollen, den Ämtern und der Verantwortung. Mit CIOs, Politiker:innen, Verwaltungsmitarbeitenden, NGO-Chef:innen, VCs und vielen mehr unterhält sich Faruk über ihr Selbstverständnis, lustige wie frustrierende Anekdoten aus dem Alltag und ihren Blick auf die Welt.
In the GovCast, Faruk Tuncer, founder and CEO of GovTech Polyteia, talks to exciting personalities about how and why they are modernizing the state and public administration. This podcast shows the people behind the roles, offices and responsibilities. Faruk talks to CIOs, politicians, administrative staff, NGO bosses, VCs and many more about their self-image, funny and frustrating anecdotes from everyday life and their view of the world.
GovCast #02 Ott Velsberg, Chief Data Officer of Estonia
Anmerkung: Diese Episode ist in Englisch. In der zweiten Episode des GovCast spricht Faruk Tuncer mit Ott Velsberg, Chief Data Officer von Estland. Sie sprechen unter anderem darüber, wie Ott Velsberg zu seiner Position gelangt ist, den Status-Quo der Digitalisierung in Estland, die Nutzung von WhatsApp und Signal in der Estonischen Verwaltung und vieles mehr.
In the second episode of the GovCast, Faruk Tuncer talks to Ott Velsberg, Chief Data Officer of Estonia. Among other things, they talk about how Ott Velsberg got to his position, the status quo of digitalization in Estonia, the use of WhatsApp and Signal in the Estonian administration and much more.
Host: Faruk Tuncer, Founder & CEO of Polyteia
Guest: Ott Velsberg, Chief Data Officer of Estonia
00:00 Intro
00:41 Energy drinks and coffee
02:52 Becoming Estonia's Chief Data Officer
05:22 What is the status quo of government digitalisation in Estonia?
10:55 Can Estonian citizens contact the government via WhatsApp?
13:20 Why should government start thinking from the 'user' perspective?
16:59 Bürokratt, "Estonia's Siri on steroids”
20:10 Generative AI use cases in government
23:21 Perspective on native European AI
25:47 How does generative AI change the definition of government?
30:15 What is a typical day in the life of a Chief Data Officer?
35:22 Leisure and Runner Cave
38:08 Gamification and nudging in government
40:30 What's the most overlooked but amazing thing the Estonian government has produced?